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- 3224Y00F05basic32Y00J1Y00C3NKnow Your Animals
- 3206Y00C5NJude/Panda
- 0824Y00F05pearl08Y00C1Y00J0N
- 0801NIf your stuck for an animals name then look no further than this article
- 0801Nwhich attempts to teach you basic animal identification techniques. This
- 0801Nexhaustive guide is purely for pleasure and nothing more. Although some
- 0801Nspecies have been removed because `it was' feared they would offend what is
- 0801Nleft is more than enough to keep any of us happy. Enjoy yourself as the Zoo
- 0811Y16C4Y32C1Ninvites you to `Meet The Animals'...
- 0801N
- 1218Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NBABOON
- 0829Y00F05pearl08Y00J0Y49C3Y55C1NMammal belonging to the monkey family, native to Arabia and parts of Africa.
- 0801NBaboons live in groups or troops and are considered to be the most
- 0811Y00C5Y26C1Nintelligent of the monkeys. They are also very strong and extremely
- 0811Y15C2Y21C1Ndangerous when roused - even lions respect the male baboon. These animals
- 0801Nwere sacred to the ancient Egyptians.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NDINGO
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NWild dog, native to Australia, rather like a large fox in appearance.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NGIBBON
- 0829Y00F05pearl08Y00J0Y35C6Y68C1NSmallest member of the ape family, lightly built with very long arms. They
- 0801Nare extremely agile and swing from branch to branch and from tree to tree.
- 0811Y29C4Y65C1NThey are the only apes which walk normally in an upright position. The
- 0801Ngibbon is native to many tropical regions of south-east Asia.
- 0801N
- 1218Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NHAMSTER
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NSmall group of rodents, native to some parts of Europe, and to western Asia.
- 0816Y30C2Y35C1Y66C3NThe common hamster is grey or brown and looks very lik a rat. The golden
- 0806Y07C1Nhamster is the type usually kept as a pet.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NHARE
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NMammal closely related to the rabbit, but larger in body and with longer ears
- 0801Nand hind legs. Also, they do not burrow, like rabbits, but live in a kind of
- 0811Y15C6Y19C1Nnest called a `form'. They are found in many countries.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NKUDU
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NSpecies of Antelope native to south and east Africa. The male is
- 0801Ndistinguished by long twisted horns and a greyish coat with white vertical
- 0801Nstripes.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NMUSK OX
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NMammal that in appearance is a cross between a sheep and an ox, native to the
- 0811Y29C4Y38C1NArctic regions of Canada and Greenland. It has downward curving horns and
- 0801Nthick brown fur.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NPANDA
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NSmall group of bear-like mammals, native to parts of China, including Tibet.
- 0801NThe giant panda is the celebrated member of the group, distinguished by its
- 0801Nface of white fur with dark patches round the eyes. The creature lives
- 0801Nalmost entirely on bamboo shoots and is very difficult to rear in captivity.
- 0801NThere is also the lesser panda, or cat bear, similar in appearance to a
- 0801Nracoon. All species are often confused with the popular Amiga scene group of
- 0801Nthe same name, `Cat Bear'.
- 0801N
- 1218Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NSHREW
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NGroup of mammals. A few species live in water, but most are land animals,
- 0801Nliving on insects, worms and snails. The common shrew of Europe and Asia is
- 0801Nabout the size of a mouse.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NTREE
- 0829Y00F05pearl08Y00J0Y37C4Y42C1NNot an animal as such, but more of a plant.
- 0801N
- 0818Y00F04ruby12Y00J1NZEBU
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0NDomesticated mammal related to other bovine species, such as the cow, and
- 0801Nfound in many parts of Africa, India and the Far East. It has a distinctive
- 0811Y00C7Y10C1Nfatty hump across the shoulders and a large dewlap (fold of loose skin under
- 0801Nthe jaw) which it wears as a jumper.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C3NIf you feel you can add any animals to this subject then slip them in an
- 0801Nenvelope to the usual address.
- 0801N
- *!EOF